Why Apologize When You Did Nothing Wrong?

1994 Mack CH613 Dump Truck

One day, something very painful and life altering happened which has affected me deeply and will take a long time for me to work through. It is the type of experience that causes you to feel the texture of your heart making preparation to become a little harder to protect itself.  You want to curse, or curse off…, or shout Continue reading

Ignore the Internet and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Watch Your Life, Your Marriage and Your Family Under Relentless Attack and Defenceless

Have you been intentional about thinking through an Internet and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy for yourself, your marriage,  your family? In other words have you decided how you will use the Internet & ICT in a way that is personally healthy (mentally & physically), safe and serves you in a good way? Have you had an official conversation with your spouse and your children about the marriage and family values that will guide the use of the Internet & ICT by each of you, and in a way that will strengthen your marriage and family union? Continue reading

Believe You

About a year ago I went book browsing in Kingston Bookshop, one of Jamaica’s leading bookstores. I can’t recall what I was looking for, but a book with a Man-Woman theme caught my eye. I think it was entitled “What Men Won’t Tell You but Women Need to Know.” It was a small book so I decided to spot read. I got to a section that I found hilarious and sobering all at the same time. It was sooo hilarious that I burst out audibly in laughter in the bookstore and each time I tell the story I can’t do it without laughing, and by that, annoying my listeners, as they have to wait for me to control myself to get the story out. Forgive me if I don’t do a good recount, but the story the author told went something like this… Continue reading